Ann Arinze
Educator@ Peace Education Development Initiative.
Keyword: Emerging violence, Self-esteem, Youth violence, Self-worth,Personal value, Narcissism, homicide.
What is Emerging Violence?
What is Self Esteem?
Educators at Peace Education Development Initiative (PEDI) are working hard on the challenges Nigerian teens face as a result of continuous violence in our society. This piece focuses on the rise of all forms of violence (direct, indirect, structural and cultural) and the need to call to battle against them.
Emerging violence refers to the existence and visible behaviour of one involving forces intended to hurtdamage or destroy.Violence is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the intentional use of physical force or power,threatened or actual,against oneself,another person or against a group or community which results in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment or deprivation.
Violence in many forms can be prevented by addressing underlying factors like concentrated poverty, gender, inequality, harmful use of alcohol and drugs, absence of safe, stable and nurturing relationships. Violent acts can be physical, sexual, and psychological or emotional. Amidst all odds, self-esteem of young adults can be developed above all the listed factors.
Self -esteem
Self-esteem is defined as a person’s positive or negative attitude toward himself or herself. It refers to a person’s overall sense of self-worth or personal value. It involves a variety of beliefs, appearance, emotions and behaviour of a person. Self-esteem is an essential human need that is vital for survival and normal healthy development.It arises automatically from within based upon a person’s belief and consciousness and also occurs in conjunction with a person’s thought, behaviours, feelings and actions. It is an important part of success. Too little self-esteem can leave people feeling defeated or depressed. It can also lead you to make bad choices, fall into destructive relationships or fail to live up to their full potential. Too much self-esteem (Narcissism) can be damaging, so the ideal is to strike a balance somewhere in the middle.
Components of Self-Esteem
According to Braden, 1969, there are three key components of self-esteem
- Self-esteem is an essential human need that is vital for survival and normal healthy environment.
- Self-esteem arises automatically from within based upon a person’s belief and consciousness.
- Self-esteem occurs in connection with a person’s thoughts, behaviours, feelings and actions.
Youth Violence
According to World Health Organization, youth are defined as people between the ages of 10 and 29 years. Youth violence refers to violence occurring between youth and includes act that range from bullying and physical fighting, through more severe sexual and physical assault to homicide.Youth violence normally has a serious, lifelong impact on a person’s psychological and social functioning.Youth violence greatly increases the cost of health, welfare and criminal justice services; reduces productivity, decreases the value of property and generally undermines the fabric of the society.
Peace Education Development Initiative is serving as a prevention programme in reducing youth violence by impacting life skills, attitudes and behaviours to manage anger, resolve conflict, and solve problems, campaign against alcohol. illegal drugs and arms.
Building Self-Esteem of young adults.
- Love yourself
Self-love is a combination of self-acceptance, self-possession, self-awareness, kindness and respect for ourselves.
- Read and listen
- Change your body language
Body language has a great effect on you, carefully observe your body language when you are with others. How you talk, the way you play with your peers and others. You will be able to know what changes are necessary for you to boost your confidence up. Body language passes a powerful message, so you need to be strong enough to your attitude.
- Meditation
Understand loving kindness meditation and practice it. It will enhance your feelings of kindness for yourself and others.
- Accept Challenges
Life is full of challenges. If you don’t accept challenge you will not be confident. Face whatever comes your way. Solve problems with your positive thoughts.
- Don’t be a Perfectionist or avoid perfectionism.
- Know your fear clearly
If you lack confidence that means you have fear in your mind. Know which things fear you and why you fear those.Dont let fear dominate you. You need to control your fear and finish it forever. You can write down your fears and try to face them gradually.By this way all your fears will run away and you will become confident.
- Think Positive.
Communities across Nigeria states need to significantly revise the way they think about our teenagerswho are frequently exposedto violence by social institution, that is forming groups of people who come together for the purpose of maintaining social order and governing behaviour and expectations of teenagers and youths .It is expected that our government tries to engage in a variety of policy and pragmatic actions to respond to them. We also need to continue to develop multiple pathways into services and responses to adequately address the needs of our children and teens and help them to grow into emotionally and physically healthy adults.
This write up was funded by family, friends and well-wishers of the organization. Please endeavour to call on us if you like our job and want to assist us, financially.