Education for peace hopes to create in the human consciousness a commitment to the ways of peace and management of violent tendencies( direct, indirect and structural). We target children, teenagers, young adults and Organizations with all forms, levels of conflict and suggest the best method approach.
• Pedi project longs for the introduction of peace education as a subject in our Educational system and a part of General studies in the tertiary institutions.
• Pedi project aims at reducing the level of insurgency and terrorism by imbibing positive thinking and decision making.
• Pedi project will provide employment opportunities when fully accepted and adopted. Peace Educators trained and sent to our communities to transfer knowledge.
• The NYSC Scheme can key in by channeling youth corp members towards educating for peace.
• Each great classic work is always filled with cooperative discussion, collaborative reasoning and practical analysis.
• Educators include trained experienced persons willing to make the learners understand the holistic and dialectic view of peace education models.
• PEDI Project team will provide learners with manuals and writing materials.
• The classes are usually scheduled for 1(one) hour for children and 3(three) hours for teenagers and 6 (six) to 8(eight) hours for adults.
• Our work requires adequate funding to obtain materials and training necessary to equip our resource and resource room with some assistive learning systems like computer, scanner, printer etc.
• We are excited about an opportunity to present this work structure for your review.
• We look forward to partnering with you to provide an education intervention program for our youths.
Humanitarian Service

Peace Education to School Students

PEDI Team on a Peace Conference With Students

Educating The Minds of the Young

Humanitarian Services to Schools in Awka Anambra State.
Our Mission
• To hold classes with students of public schools in Nigeria because they are considered vulnerable.
• To deliver peace education class to staff and management of institutions and companies.
• To provide learners with materials, questionnaires and evaluation sheets.
• To ensure that peaceful youths are constructed.
• To provide charity and donations